Restaurant &
Food Service

Our monitoring system provides real-time 24/7 temperature readings for your cooler and freezer, giving you peace of mind that your products are always at the right temperature. You can increase the shelf life of your products while lowering energy costs and extending the life cycle of your equipment. 

Our system eliminates the need for manual temperature logs, saving you labor costs. With customizable alerts and reports, you can meet food safety and corporate requirements. Open door alerts and multiple user access ensure optimal safety. 

  • Ensure real-time 24/7 monitoring of cooler and freezer temperatures to provide peace of mind.
  • Enhance product shelf life to improve overall quality.
  • Decrease energy costs and extend the equipment life cycle to increase operational efficiency.
  • Eliminate labor costs associated with manual temperature logging to improve productivity.
  • Customize alerts and temperature/humidity thresholds to fit your specific needs.
  • Create customizable reports for food safety and corporate compliance requirements.
  • Implement open-door alert features to prevent temperature fluctuations and maintain product integrity.
  • Assign multiple users to receive alerts around the clock for optimal monitoring.

Get your Free Consultation.


SecureTemps monitoring system alerted us promptly and saved us from having to throw away products again! Our freezer malfunction and temps were rising fast! We were able to save all products due to the real-time notifications! We recommend this product for any restaurant that is not able to monitor their products in person 24/7! Thank you SecureTemps!
Panhandle Grill, LLC
I have a bakery with three walk-in freezers and one cooler. I am fortunate that I was a beta test site for Secure Temps. The first day we put sensors in the units, we found that our largest freezer wasn’t dropping temps below 31 degrees. A service call determined that the defrost timer was failing and the fans were freezing up. Disaster narrowly averted!
I may get their logo tattooed on my shoulder. 😊
Shepherdstown Sweet Shop Bakery
Pam Berry, Owner